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  1. In this guide, we will:
    • In this guide, we will:

    • Download and install Eclipse IDE

    • Download the OpenPnP source code from Github

    • Import the OpenPnP Maven project into Eclipse, and configure the project.

    • Run OpenPnP for the first time

    • Note: machine configuration and running SMT jobs will be covered in other guides.

  2. Head to:
    • Head to:

    • It should auto-detect your OS. You might have to select 32-bit or 64-bit.

    • Under “Eclipse IDE for Java Developers”, click the appropriate download link.

  3. Click 'Download now'
    • Click 'Download now'

  4. Wait for the download to finish.
    • Wait for the download to finish.

  5. Note: Eclipse doesn't come with an installer.
    • Note: Eclipse doesn't come with an installer.

    • Instead, when the download completes, and the download is unzipped, you'll end up with a bunch of files and folders, including an Eclipse executable.

    • Place these files and folders somewhere safe, like C:\projects\eclipse or /home/username/eclipse

  6. Launch Eclipse.
    • Launch Eclipse.

    • Eclipse will ask you to select a workspace. Select the default unless you want to put it somewhere else.

  7. Eclipse will throw up this stupid welcome screen, that hides the entire IDE window, making it confusing for some new users.  Close it.
    • Eclipse will throw up this stupid welcome screen, that hides the entire IDE window, making it confusing for some new users. Close it.

    • Click the 'x' in the tab bar (circled in RED in the picture to the left).

  8. At this point, we'll minimize the Eclipse IDE and download OpenPnP.
    • At this point, we'll minimize the Eclipse IDE and download OpenPnP.

    • Head over to the OpenPnP Github repository

    • Highlighted in orange, is the HTTPS clone URL. With this URL, you can clone the repo using your favorite Github client. This is the recommended way of cloning OpenPnP.

    • Highlighted in yellow, is the Download ZIP button. This will allow you to download a snapshot of the repo. This is NOT recommended, because it will make it difficult to pull in new changes as the repo is updated. It will, however work in a pinch if you're in a hurry and don't care about having the latest and greatest code.

  9. I'll use Atlassian SourceTree for this demonstration. We will cover doing this from the commandline in the next step.  You can use either of these, or your favorite Git client. Download and install Atlassian SourceTree.  NOTE: It will ask for you to create a login.
    • I'll use Atlassian SourceTree for this demonstration.

    • We will cover doing this from the commandline in the next step. You can use either of these, or your favorite Git client.

    • Download and install Atlassian SourceTree. NOTE: It will ask for you to create a login.

    • Open SourceTree and click File -> New / Clone

    • Click Clone from URL

    • Paste the URL, and select a destination path.

    • Hit Clone. This will clone the repo onto your local PC, into the path that you selected.

  10. Click File -> Import...
    • Click File -> Import...

  11. Click 'Import Existing Maven Project'
    • Click 'Import Existing Maven Project'

  12. Click 'Browse...'
    • Click 'Browse...'

  13. Navigate to the directory that contains OpenPnP (or whatever other project you're trying to import)
    • Navigate to the directory that contains OpenPnP (or whatever other project you're trying to import)

    • There should be a 'pom.xml' in the folder that you are trying to select.

    • Click 'Open'

  14. Click Finish.
    • Click Finish.

    • Eclipse will now import the Maven project. This shouldn't take long.

  15. Find '' inside of the org.openpnp java package (that is located in src/main/java).
    • Find '' inside of the org.openpnp java package (that is located in src/main/java).

    • Right click on '', and click 'Run As -> Java Application'

    • NOTE: This step is for Windows users only. Mac and Linux users can skip this step.

    • Specify the native library path to OpenCV. Right click>Run As>Run Configurations Under the tab ‘Arguments’ in the section ‘VM Arguments’, add:

    • -Djava.library.path=lib\native\windows\x64 for Win64, or:

    • -Djava.library.path=lib\native\windows\x86 for Win32.

    • Make sure to separate with a space if you are adding to existing arguments.

  16. At this point, OpenPnP should start.  At this point, it is not configured to work with a FirePick Delta.  You can play around with the interface, but it won't do PnP until you've configured it to use the camera(s) and the motion controller, at a minimum.
    • At this point, OpenPnP should start. At this point, it is not configured to work with a FirePick Delta. You can play around with the interface, but it won't do PnP until you've configured it to use the camera(s) and the motion controller, at a minimum.

    • It is recommended at this point to configure your machine.xml so that OpenPnP can see your hardware.

Finish Line

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Neil Jansen

Member since: 12/28/2014

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